Problem Statement
Design a class MyString
which inherits from built-in str
In this programming problem,you need to defined two methods, __lshift__, __rshift__, for string left rotation and right rotation respectively.
Note that you need to keep the original string unchanged after you do any operation.
class MyString(str):
def __lshift__(self,val):
#Your code here
def __rshift__(self,val):
#Your code here
# Note that the following code is for local testing purposes only. You should leave this part of code unchanged and not submit it to the OJ system.
T = int(input())
for i in range(1,T+1):
s = MyString(input())
n1,n2 = map(int,input().split())
print(f'Case #{i}_1: After left rotate {n1} positions the string will be "{s<<n1}"')
print(f'Case #{i}_2: After right rotate {n2} positions the string will be "{s>>n2}"')
print(f'Case #{i}_3: The origin string: "{s}"')
Please note that you only have to submit the definition of the MyString
and its content to the OJ system. The rest of the code is for your local testing purposes only.
Input Specification
The first line of the input contains a single integer T, the number of test cases.
For each test case, there are two lines:
The first line contains a string .
The second line contains two non-negative integer and
,indicating the number of positions that you need to left rotate and right rotate respectively.
Output Specification
For each function call, you must return exactly what we asked for.
Sample Input
Hello World
5 3
10 2
Sample Output
Case #1_1: After left rotate 5 positions the string will be " WorldHello"
Case #1_2: After right rotate 3 positions the string will be "rldHello Wo"
Case #1_3: The origin string: "Hello World"
Case #2_1: After left rotate 10 positions the string will be ""
Case #2_2: After right rotate 2 positions the string will be ""
Case #2_3: The origin string: ""
object-oriented programming